Financial members of South Pacific Packard Club of New Zealand will be able to participate in all club activities and will receive our club magazine published 6 times a year.
The annual subscription fee is $65 for the year from 1 October to 30 September.
Overseas membership costs NZ$80 to cover the additional costs of postage.
Please be sure to pay your subscription fees together with your application.
Payment will be accepted by direct credit to South Pacific Packard Club of New Zealand bank account as stated below.
Remember, you don't need to own a Packard to become a member.
Name Address Spouse Name
Telephone Mobile
Car/s Owned Year Model Body Style Condition OriginalAwaiting RestorationUnder RestorationRestoredDismantled OriginalAwaiting RestorationUnder RestorationRestoredDismantled OriginalAwaiting RestorationUnder RestorationRestoredDismantled OriginalAwaiting RestorationUnder RestorationRestoredDismantled
In compliance with the Privacy Act, we request that you indicate the following:
That I allow my details to be printed in the club magazine, on the club web site and/or given to members. Please select your option: Yes I agreeNo I do not agree
The initial subscription fee will be paid byDirect to BankBy Cheque
Please pay your initial subscription fee into the club bank account at Westpac Bank: 03 0631 0176483 00